Source code for qp.ensemble

"""Implemenation of an ensemble of distributions"""

import os

import numpy as np
from tables_io import io

from qp.dict_utils import (
from qp.metrics import quick_moment

# import psutil
# import timeit

[docs]class Ensemble: """An object comprised of many qp.PDF objects to efficiently perform operations on all of them""" def __init__(self, gen_func, data, ancil=None): """Class constructor Parameters ---------- gen_func : `function` Function that creates generic distribution object data : `dict` Dictionary with data used to construct the ensemble """ # start_time = timeit.default_timer() self._gen_func = gen_func self._frozen = self._gen_func(**data) self._gen_obj = self._frozen.dist self._gen_class = type(self._gen_obj) self._ancil = None self.set_ancil(ancil) self._gridded = None self._samples = None def __getitem__(self, key): """Build a `qp.Ensemble` object for a sub-set of the PDFs in this ensemble Parameter --------- key : `int` or `slice` Used to slice the data to pick out one PDF from this ensemble Returns ------- pdf : `scipy.rv_frozen` The distribution for the requeseted element or slide """ red_data = {} md = self.metadata() md.pop("pdf_name") md.pop("pdf_version") for k, v in md.items(): red_data[k] = np.squeeze(v) dd = slice_dict(self.objdata(), key) for k, v in dd.items(): if len(np.shape(v)) < 2: red_data[k] = np.expand_dims(v, 0) else: red_data[k] = v if self._ancil is not None: ancil = slice_dict(self._ancil, key) else: ancil = None return Ensemble(self._gen_obj.create, data=red_data, ancil=ancil) @property def gen_func(self): """Return the function used to create the distribution object for this ensemble""" return self._gen_func @property def gen_class(self): """Return the class used to generate distributions for this ensemble""" return self._gen_class @property def dist(self): """Return the `scipy.stats.rv_continuous` object that generates distributions for this ensemble""" return self._gen_obj @property def kwds(self): """Return the kwds associated to the frozen object""" return self._frozen.kwds @property def gen_obj(self): """Return the `scipy.stats.rv_continuous` object that generates distributions for this ensemble""" return self._gen_obj @property def frozen(self): """Return the `scipy.stats.rv_frozen` object that encapsultes the distributions for this ensemble""" return self._frozen @property def ndim(self): """Return the number of dimensions of PDFs in this ensemble""" return self._frozen.ndim @property def shape(self): """Return the number of PDFs in this ensemble""" return self._frozen.shape @property def npdf(self): """Return the number of PDFs in this ensemble""" return self._frozen.npdf @property def ancil(self): """Return the ancillary data dictionary""" return self._ancil
[docs] def convert_to(self, to_class, **kwargs): """Convert a distribution or ensemble Parameters ---------- to_class : `class` Class to convert to **kwargs : keyword arguments are passed to the output class constructor Other Parameters ---------------- method : `str` Optional argument to specify a non-default conversion algorithm Returns ------- ens : `qp.Ensemble` Ensemble of pdfs yype class_to using the data from this object """ kwds = kwargs.copy() method = kwds.pop("method", None) ctor_func = to_class.creation_method(method) class_name = if ctor_func is None: # pragma: no cover raise KeyError( "Class named %s does not have a creation_method named %s" % (class_name, method) ) extract_func = to_class.extraction_method(method) if extract_func is None: # pragma: no cover raise KeyError( "Class named %s does not have a extraction_method named %s" % (class_name, method) ) data = extract_func(self, **kwds) return Ensemble(ctor_func, data=data)
[docs] def update(self, data, ancil=None): """Update the frozen object Parameters ---------- data : `dict` Dictionary with data used to construct the ensemble """ self._frozen = self._gen_func(**data) self._gen_obj = self._frozen.dist self.set_ancil(ancil) self._gridded = None self._samples = None
[docs] def update_objdata(self, data, ancil=None): """Update the object data in the distribution Parameters ---------- data : `dict` Dictionary with data used to construct the ensemble """ new_data = {} for k, v in self.metadata().items(): if k in ["pdf_name", "pdf_version"]: continue new_data[k] = np.squeeze(v) new_data.update(self.objdata()) new_data.update(data) self.update(new_data, ancil)
[docs] def metadata(self): """Return the metadata for this ensemble Returns ------- metadata : `dict` The metadata Notes ----- Metadata are elements that are the same for all the PDFs in the ensemble These include the name and version of the PDF generation class """ dd = {} dd.update(self._gen_obj.metadata) return dd
[docs] def objdata(self): """Return the object data for this ensemble Returns ------- objdata : `dict` The object data Notes ----- Object data are elements that differ for each PDFs in the ensemble """ dd = {} dd.update(self._frozen.kwds) dd.pop("row", None) dd.update(self._gen_obj.objdata) return dd
[docs] def set_ancil(self, ancil): """Set the ancillary data dict Parameters ---------- ancil : `dict` The ancillary data dictionary Notes ----- Raises IndexError if the length of the arrays in ancil does not match the number of PDFs in the Ensemble """ check_array_shapes(ancil, self.npdf) self._ancil = ancil
[docs] def add_to_ancil(self, to_add): # pragma: no cover """Add additionaly columns to the ancillary data dict Parameters ---------- to_add : `dict` The columns to add to the ancillary data dict Notes ----- Raises IndexError if the length of the arrays in to_add does not match the number of PDFs in the Ensemble This calls dict.update() so it will overwrite existing columns """ check_array_shapes(to_add, self.npdf) self._ancil.update(to_add)
[docs] def append(self, other_ens): """Append another other_ens to this one Parameters ---------- other_ens : `qp.Ensemble` The other Ensemble """ if not compare_dicts( [self.metadata(), other_ens.metadata()] ): # pragma: no cover raise KeyError("Metadata does not match, can not append") full_objdata = concatenate_dicts([self.objdata(), other_ens.objdata()]) if self._ancil is not None and other_ens.ancil is not None: # pragma: no cover full_ancil = concatenate_dicts([self.ancil, other_ens.ancil]) else: full_ancil = None self.update_objdata(full_objdata, full_ancil)
[docs] def build_tables(self): """Return dicts of numpy arrays for the meta data and object data for this ensemble Returns ------- meta : `dict` Table with the meta data data : `dict` Table with the object data """ dd = dict(meta=self.metadata(), data=self.objdata()) if self.ancil is not None: dd["ancil"] = self.ancil return dd
[docs] def mode(self, grid): """return the mode of each ensemble PDF, evaluated on grid Parameters ---------- new_grid: array-like Grid on which to evaluate PDF Returns ------- mode: array-like The modes of the PDFs evaluated on new_grid Notes ----- Adding expand_dims to return an (N, 1) array to be consistent with mean, median, and other point estimates """ new_grid, griddata = self.gridded(grid) return np.expand_dims(new_grid[np.argmax(griddata, axis=1)], -1)
[docs] def gridded(self, grid): """Build, cache are return the PDF values at grid points Parameters ---------- grid : array-like The grid points Returns ------- gridded : (grid, pdf_values) Notes ----- This first comparse grid to the cached value, if they match it returns the cached value """ if self._gridded is None or not np.array_equal(self._gridded[0], grid): self._gridded = (grid, self.pdf(grid)) return self._gridded
[docs] def write_to(self, filename): """Save this ensemble to a file Parameters ---------- filename : `str` Notes ----- This will actually write two files, one for the metadata and one for the object data This uses `tables_io` to write the data, so any filesuffix that works for `tables_io` will work here. """ basename, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) tables = self.build_tables() io.write(tables, basename, ext[1:])
[docs] def pdf(self, x): """ Evaluates the probablity density function for the whole ensemble Parameters ---------- x: float or ndarray, float location(s) at which to do the evaluations Returns ------- """ return self._frozen.pdf(x)
[docs] def logpdf(self, x): """ Evaluates the log of the probablity density function for the whole ensemble Parameters ---------- x: float or ndarray, float location(s) at which to do the evaluations Returns ------- """ return self._frozen.logpdf(x)
[docs] def cdf(self, x): """ Evaluates the cumalative distribution function for the whole ensemble Parameters ---------- x: float or ndarray, float location(s) at which to do the evaluations Returns ------- """ return self._frozen.cdf(x)
[docs] def logcdf(self, x): """ Evaluates the log of the cumalative distribution function for the whole ensemble Parameters ---------- x: float or ndarray, float location(s) at which to do the evaluations Returns ------- """ return self._frozen.logcdf(x)
[docs] def ppf(self, q): """ Evaluates all the PPF of the distribution Parameters ---------- q: float or ndarray, float location(s) at which to do the evaluations Returns ------- """ return self._frozen.ppf(q)
[docs] def sf(self, q): """ Evaluates the survival fraction of the distribution Parameters ---------- x: float or ndarray, float (s) at which to evaluate the pdfs Returns ------- """ return self._frozen.sf(q)
[docs] def logsf(self, q): """Evaluates the log of the survival function of the distribution Parameters ---------- q: float or ndarray, float location(s) at which to evaluate the pdfs Returns ------- float or ndarray Log of the survival function """ return self._frozen.logsf(q)
[docs] def isf(self, q): """ Evaluates the inverse of the survival fraction of the distribution Parameters ---------- x: float or ndarray, float (s) at which to evaluate the pdfs Returns ------- """ return self._frozen.isf(q)
[docs] def rvs(self, size=None, random_state=None): """ Generate samples from this ensmeble Parameters ---------- size: int number of samples to return Returns ------- """ return self._frozen.rvs( size=(self._frozen.npdf, size), random_state=random_state )
[docs] def stats(self, moments="mv"): """ Retrun the stats for this ensemble Parameters ---------- moments: `str` Which moments to include Returns ------- """ return self._frozen.stats(moments=moments)
[docs] def median(self): """Return the medians for this ensemble""" return self._frozen.median()
[docs] def mean(self): """Return the means for this ensemble""" return self._frozen.mean()
[docs] def var(self): """Return the variences for this ensemble""" return self._frozen.var()
[docs] def std(self): """Return the standard deviations for this ensemble""" return self._frozen.std()
[docs] def moment(self, n): """Return the nth moments for this ensemble""" return self._frozen.moment(n)
[docs] def entropy(self): """Return the entropy for this ensemble""" return self._frozen.entropy()
# def pmf(self, k): # """ Return the kth pmf for this ensemble """ # return self._frozen.pmf(k) # def logpmf(self, k): # """ Return the log of the kth pmf for this ensemble """ # return self._frozen.logpmf(k)
[docs] def interval(self, alpha): """Return the intervals corresponding to a confidnce level of alpha for this ensemble""" return self._frozen.interval(alpha)
[docs] def histogramize(self, bins): """ Computes integrated histogram bin values for all PDFs Parameters ---------- bins: ndarray, float, optional Array of N+1 endpoints of N bins Returns ------- self.histogram: ndarray, tuple, ndarray, floats Array of pairs of arrays of lengths (N+1, N) containing endpoints of bins and values in bins """ return self._frozen.histogramize(bins)
[docs] def integrate(self, limits): """ Computes the integral under the ensemble of PDFs between the given limits. Parameters ---------- limits: numpy.ndarray, tuple, float limits of integration, may be different for all PDFs in the ensemble using: string parametrization over which to approximate the integral dx: float, optional granularity of integral Returns ------- integral: numpy.ndarray, float value of the integral """ return self.cdf(limits[1]) - self.cdf(limits[0])
[docs] def mix_mod_fit(self, comps=5): # pragma: no cover """ Fits the parameters of a given functional form to an approximation Parameters ---------- comps: int, optional number of components to consider using: string, optional which existing approximation to use, defaults to first approximation vb: boolean Report progress Returns ------- self.mix_mod: list, qp.Composite objects list of qp.Composite objects approximating the PDFs Notes ----- Currently only supports mixture of Gaussians """ raise NotImplementedError("mix_mod_fit %i" % comps)
[docs] def moment_partial(self, n, limits, dx=0.01): """Return the nth moments for this over a particular range""" D = int((limits[-1] - limits[0]) / dx) grid = np.linspace(limits[0], limits[1], D) # dx = (limits[-1] - limits[0]) / (D - 1) P_eval = self.gridded(grid)[1] grid_to_n = grid**n return quick_moment(P_eval, grid_to_n, dx)
[docs] def plot(self, key=0, **kwargs): """Plot the pdf as a curve Parameters ---------- key : `int` or `slice` Which PDF or PDFs from this ensemble to plot """ return self._gen_class.plot(self[key], **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_native(self, key=0, **kwargs): """Plot the pdf as a curve Parameters ---------- key : `int` or `slice` Which PDF or PDFs from this ensemble to plot """ return self._gen_class.plot_native(self[key], **kwargs)
def _get_allocation_kwds(self, npdf): tables = self.build_tables() keywords = {} for group, tab in tables.items(): if group != "meta": keywords[group] = {} for key, array in tab.items(): shape = list(array.shape) shape[0] = npdf keywords[group][key] = (shape, array.dtype) return keywords
[docs] def initializeHdf5Write(self, filename, npdf, comm=None): """set up the output write for an ensemble, but set size to npdf rather than the size of the ensemble, as the "initial chunk" will not contain the full data Parameters ---------- filename : `str` Name of the file to create npdf : `int` Total number of pdfs that will contain the file, usually larger then the size of the current ensemble comm : `MPI communicator` Optional MPI communicator to allow parallel writing """ kwds = self._get_allocation_kwds(npdf) group, fout = io.initializeHdf5Write(filename, comm=comm, **kwds) return group, fout
[docs] def writeHdf5Chunk(self, fname, start, end): """write ensemble data chunk to file Parameters ---------- fname : h5py `File object` file or group start : `int` starting index of h5py file end : `int` ending index in h5py file """ odict = self.build_tables().copy() odict.pop("meta") io.writeDictToHdf5Chunk(fname, odict, start, end)
[docs] def finalizeHdf5Write(self, filename): """write ensemble metadata to the output file Parameters ---------- filename : h5py `File object` file or group """ mdata = self.metadata() io.finalizeHdf5Write(filename, "meta", **mdata)
# def stack(self, loc, using, vb=True): # """ # Produces an average of the PDFs in the ensemble # # Parameters # ---------- # loc: ndarray, float or float # location(s) at which to evaluate the PDFs # using: string # which parametrization to use for the approximation # vb: boolean # report on progress # # Returns # ------- # self.stacked: tuple, ndarray, float # pair of arrays for locations where approximations were evaluated # and the values of the stacked PDFs at those points # # Notes # ----- # Stacking refers to taking the sum of PDFs evaluated on a shared grid and # normalizing it such that it integrates to unity. This is equivalent to # calculating an average probability (based on the PDFs in the ensemble) over the grid. # This probably should be done in a script and not by qp! The right way to do it would be to call # qp.Ensemble.evaluate() and sum those outputs appropriately. # TO DO: make this do something more efficient for mixmod, grid, histogram, samples # TO DO: enable stacking on irregular grid # """ # loc_range = max(loc) - min(loc) # delta = loc_range / len(loc) # evaluated = self.evaluate(loc, using=using, norm=True, vb=vb) # stack = np.mean(evaluated[1], axis=0) # stack /= np.sum(stack) * delta # assert(np.isclose(np.sum(stack) * delta, 1.)) # self.stacked[using] = (evaluated[0], stack) # return self.stacked # Note: A copious quantity of commented code has been removed in this commit! # For future reference, it can still be found here: # # Critical additions still remain. Metrics of individual qp.PDF objects collected in aggregate # over a qp.Ensemble are still desired.