Source code for qp.pdf_gen

"""This module implements continous distributions generators that inherit from the
`scipy.stats.rv_continuous` class

If you would like to add a sub-class, please read the instructions on subclassing

Open questions:
1) At this time the normalization is not enforced for many of the PDF types.  It is assumed that
the user values give correct normalization.  We should think about this more.

2) At this time for most of the distributions, only the _pdf function is overridden.  This is all that
is required to inherit from `scipy.stats.rv_continuous`; however, providing implementations of some of
_logpdf, _cdf, _logcdf, _ppf, _rvs, _isf, _sf, _logsf could speed the code up a lot in some cases.

import sys

import numpy as np
from numpy import asarray

from scipy.stats import rv_continuous
from scipy.stats._distn_infrastructure import rv_continuous_frozen

from qp.utils import reshape_to_pdf_size, reshape_to_pdf_shape
from qp.dict_utils import get_val_or_default, set_val_or_default, pretty_print
from qp.plotting import plot_dist_pdf

[docs]class Pdf_gen: """Interface class to extend `scipy.stats.rv_continuous` with information needed for `qp` Notes ----- Metadata are elements that are the same for all the PDFs These include the name and version of the PDF generation class, and possible data such as the bin edges used for histogram representations Object data are elements that differ for each PDFs """ _reader_map = {} _creation_map = {} _extraction_map = {} def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """C'tor""" # pylint: disable=unused-argument self._metadata = {} self._objdata = {} self._addclassmetadata(type(self)) def _addclassmetadata(self, cls): self._metadata["pdf_name"] = np.array([]) self._metadata["pdf_version"] = np.array([cls.version]) def _addmetadata(self, key, val): self._metadata[key] = np.expand_dims(val, 0) def _addobjdata(self, key, val): self._objdata[key] = val def _clearobjdata(self): self._objdata = {} @property def metadata(self): """Return the metadata for this set of PDFs""" return self._metadata @property def objdata(self): """Return the object data for this set of PDFs""" return self._objdata
[docs] @classmethod def creation_method(cls, method=None): """Return the method used to create a PDF of this type""" return get_val_or_default(cls._creation_map, method)
[docs] @classmethod def extraction_method(cls, method=None): """Return the method used to extract data to create a PDF of this type""" return get_val_or_default(cls._extraction_map, method)
[docs] @classmethod def reader_method(cls, version=None): """Return the method used to convert data read from a file PDF of this type""" return get_val_or_default(cls._reader_map, version)
[docs] @classmethod def add_method_dicts(cls): """Add empty method dicts""" cls._reader_map = {} cls._creation_map = {} cls._extraction_map = {}
@classmethod def _add_creation_method(cls, the_func, method): """Add a method used to create a PDF of this type""" set_val_or_default(cls._creation_map, method, the_func) @classmethod def _add_extraction_method(cls, the_func, method): """Add a method used to extract data to create a PDF of this type""" set_val_or_default(cls._extraction_map, method, the_func) @classmethod def _add_reader_method(cls, the_func, version): # pragma: no cover """Add a method used to convert data read from a file PDF of this type""" set_val_or_default(cls._reader_map, version, the_func)
[docs] @classmethod def print_method_maps(cls, stream=sys.stdout): """Print the maps showing the methods""" pretty_print(cls._creation_map, ["Create "], stream=stream) pretty_print(cls._extraction_map, ["Extract "], stream=stream) pretty_print(cls._reader_map, ["Reader "], stream=stream)
[docs] @classmethod def create_gen(cls, **kwds): """Create and return a `scipy.stats.rv_continuous` object using the keyword arguemntets provided""" kwds_copy = kwds.copy() name = kwds_copy.pop("name", "dist") return (cls(name=name), kwds_copy)
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, **kwds): """Create and return a `scipy.stats.rv_frozen` object using the keyword arguemntets provided""" # pylint: disable=not-callable obj, kwds_freeze = cls.create_gen(**kwds) return obj(**kwds_freeze)
[docs] @classmethod def plot(cls, pdf, **kwargs): """Plot the pdf as a curve""" return plot_dist_pdf(pdf, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def plot_native(cls, pdf, **kwargs): """Plot the PDF in a way that is particular to this type of distibution This defaults to plotting it as a curve, but this can be overwritten """ return plot_dist_pdf(pdf, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def get_allocation_kwds(cls, npdf, **kwargs): """Return kwds necessary to create 'empty' hdf5 file with npdf entries for iterative writeout """ raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: no cover
[docs]class rv_frozen_func(rv_continuous_frozen): """Trivial extention of `scipy.stats.rv_frozen` that includes the number of PDFs it represents """ def __init__(self, dist, *args, **kwds): """C'tor Parameters ---------- dist : `scipy.stats.rv_continuous` The underlying distribution npdf : `int` The number of PDFs this object represents """ super().__init__(dist, *args, **kwds) array_list = [np.array(val) for val in self.kwds.values()] bc = np.broadcast(array_list) ss = bc.shape if len(ss) < 2: self._shape = 1 else: self._shape = ss[1:-1] self._npdf = np.product(self._shape).astype(int) self._ndim = np.size(self._shape) @property def ndim(self): """Return the number of dimensions of PDFs in this ensemble""" return self._ndim @property def shape(self): """Return the shape of the set of PDFs this object represents""" return self._shape @property def npdf(self): """Return the number of PDFs this object represents""" return self._npdf
[docs] def histogramize(self, bins): """ Computes integrated histogram bin values for all PDFs Parameters ---------- bins: ndarray, float, optional Array of N+1 endpoints of N bins Returns ------- self.histogram: ndarray, tuple, ndarray, floats Array of pairs of arrays of lengths (N+1, N) containing endpoints of bins and values in bins """ cdf_vals = reshape_to_pdf_size(self.cdf(bins), -1) bin_vals = cdf_vals[:, 1:] - cdf_vals[:, 0:-1] return (bins, reshape_to_pdf_shape(bin_vals, self._shape, bins.size - 1))
[docs]class rv_frozen_rows(rv_continuous_frozen): """Trivial extention of `scipy.stats.rv_frozen` that to use when we want to have a collection of distribution of objects such as histograms or splines, where each object represents a single distribtuion """ def __init__(self, dist, shape, *args, **kwds): """C'tor""" self._shape = shape self._npdf = np.product(shape).astype(int) self._ndim = np.size(shape) if self._npdf is not None: kwds.setdefault( "row", np.expand_dims(np.arange(self._npdf).reshape(self._shape), -1) ) super().__init__(dist, *args, **kwds) @property def ndim(self): """Return the number of dimensions of PDFs in this ensemble""" return self._ndim @property def shape(self): """Return the shape of the set of PDFs this object represents""" return self._shape @property def npdf(self): """Return the number of PDFs this object represents""" return self._npdf
[docs] def histogramize(self, bins): """ Computes integrated histogram bin values for all PDFs Parameters ---------- bins: ndarray, float, optional Array of N+1 endpoints of N bins Returns ------- self.histogram: ndarray, tuple, ndarray, floats Array of pairs of arrays of lengths (N+1, N) containing endpoints of bins and values in bins """ cdf_vals = reshape_to_pdf_size(self.cdf(bins), -1) bin_vals = cdf_vals[:, 1:] - cdf_vals[:, 0:-1] return (bins, reshape_to_pdf_shape(bin_vals, self._shape, bins.size - 1))
[docs]class Pdf_rows_gen(rv_continuous, Pdf_gen): """Class extend `scipy.stats.rv_continuous` with information needed for `qp` when we want to have a collection of distribution of objects such as histograms or splines, where each object represents a single distribtuion """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """C'tor""" self._shape = kwargs.pop("shape", (1)) self._npdf = np.product(self._shape).astype(int) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) @property def shape(self): """Return the shape of the set of PDFs this object represents""" return self._shape @property def npdf(self): """Return the number of PDFs this object represents""" return self._npdf @staticmethod def _sliceargs(x, row, *args): # pragma: no cover if np.size(x) == 1 or np.size(row) == 1: return False, x, row, args xx = np.unique(x) rr = np.unique(row) if np.size(xx) == np.size(x): xx = x if np.size(rr) == np.size(row): rr = row if np.size(xx) * np.size(rr) != np.size(x): return False, x, row, args outargs = [arg[0 : np.size(xx)] for arg in args] return True, xx, rr, outargs def _rvs(self, *args, size=None, random_state=None): # Use basic inverse cdf algorithm for RV generation as default. U = random_state.uniform(size=size) Y = self._ppf(U, *args) if size is None: # pragma: no cover return Y return Y.reshape(size) def _argcheck(self, *args): """Default check for correct values on args and keywords. Returns condition array of 1's where arguments are correct and 0's where they are not. """ cond = 1 if args: cond = np.logical_and( cond, np.logical_and(asarray(args[0]) >= 0, asarray(args[0]) < self._npdf), ) return np.atleast_1d(cond)
[docs] def freeze(self, *args, **kwds): """Freeze the distribution for the given arguments. Parameters ---------- arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like The shape parameter(s) for the distribution. Should include all the non-optional arguments, may include ``loc`` and ``scale``. Returns ------- rv_frozen : rv_frozen instance The frozen distribution. """ return rv_frozen_rows(self, self._shape, *args, **kwds)
[docs] @classmethod def create_gen(cls, **kwds): """Create and return a `scipy.stats.rv_continuous` object using the keyword arguemntets provided""" return (cls(**kwds), {})
def _scipy_version_warning(self): import scipy # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel scipy_version = scipy.__version__ vtuple = scipy_version.split(".") if int(vtuple[0]) > 1 or int(vtuple[1]) > 7: return raise DeprecationWarning( f"Ensemble.moments will not work correctly with scipy version < 1.8.0, you have {scipy_version}" ) # pragma: no cover
[docs] def moment(self, n, *args, **kwds): """Returns the moments request moments for all the PDFs. This used to call a hacked version `Pdf_gen._moment_fix` which can handle cases of multiple PDFs. Now it prints a deprication warning for scipy < 1.8 Parameters ---------- n : int Order of the moment Returns ------- moments : array_like The requested moments """ self._scipy_version_warning() return rv_continuous.moment(self, n, *args, **kwds)
[docs]class Pdf_gen_wrap(Pdf_gen): """Mixin class to extend `scipy.stats.rv_continuous` with information needed for `qp` for analytic distributions. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """C'tor""" # pylint: disable=no-member,protected-access super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._other_init(*args, **kwargs) def _my_freeze(self, *args, **kwds): """Freeze the distribution for the given arguments. Parameters ---------- arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like The shape parameter(s) for the distribution. Should include all the non-optional arguments, may include ``loc`` and ``scale``. Returns ------- rv_frozen : rv_frozen instance The frozen distribution. """ return rv_frozen_func(self, *args, **kwds)
[docs] @classmethod def get_allocation_kwds(cls, npdf, **kwargs): return {key: ((npdf, 1), val.dtype) for key, val in kwargs.items()}
[docs] @classmethod def add_mappings(cls): """ Add this classes mappings to the conversion dictionary """ cls._add_creation_method(cls.create, None)